summer is rushing by fast as always. this summer has been one of the busiest yet and i'm starting to realize that summer nights are the best thing ever. they're usually filled with lots of laughter, friends, family, good music (our family compromise this year seems to be radio disney- which surprisingly isn't too bad), some kind of sweet treat, sun kissed faces, a breathtaking sunset, games, fireflies, and stumbling into the house a little too late with a little bit of dirt on your feet and a happy feeling that fills you up. i think i'd be perfectly content if summer just stayed here forever.
Carthage IL
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Carthage IL: it's a tiny town in the middle of no where. awhile ago i had the opportunity to visit carthage jail where the prophet Joseph Smith was wrongly imprisoned and eventually martyred. It was a really somber experience and it just really made me grateful. Grateful for all the sacrifices made so that I can have the gospel in my life. Grateful for people who are willing to give everything for good, people who act with courage and kindness no matter what. Grateful for the freedom to live my religion. Grateful for the overall message that good does triumph in the end. i'm not sure where i'd be without the messages of hope and happiness that Joseph Smith was a key instrument in restoring to the earth. i'm not sure what my life would be like if he wasn't willing to make huge sacrifices, even unto death, to bring to pass Heavenly Father's work. but i do know that my life wouldn't be as happy and hopeful and peaceful as it is today, and for that i'll be forever grateful and humbled by everything that has been done so i can be where i am today, living how i choose to live.
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